Become Credit Worthy Again
Welcome to your debt review removal
VHT attorneys would like to thank you for trusting us with an assessment of your current debt review status.
Debt review removal is the legal process to assist clients under debt review who are no longer over-indebted and can repay their debt on their own.
We will assist and guide you every step on your way to obtain a clearance and to remove the flag to re-enter the credit market.
steps to exiting debt review
the VHT process
1. Complete Application
Fill in the contact form above and send it to VHT. We will proceed to do a free debt review removal assessment.
2. Review Application
The VHT team will review your application and obtain the relevant documents from your debt counsellor and credit providers.
3. Expert Advice
Our team will advise whether you qualify to exit debt review and the way forward.
4. Payment Plan
Should VHT Attorneys be able to help you, our team will provide you with a quote and payment plan for you to consider.
5. Court Order
We apply to court to have your status updated and to clear your credit report.